Zoe Zebra didn’t like to sleep while standing. Tonight, he will sleep by lying down on the grass just like others. But will he be able to fall asleep? Read the story of this zebra and enjoy reading this loud or along with your little ones.
Recommended age: 3+ years
It was dark and Zoe Zebra wanted to sleep. Every day he slept standing.
That’s how a zebra sleeps, right?
But today, Zoe wanted to lie down in the grass and sleep.
He lied down in the soft green grass and waited to fall asleep.
A beetle came buzzing and asked, “Zoe, what are you doing?”
“I am going to sleep on the grass tonight”, said Zoe.
A chameleon came hissing and asked, “Zoe, what are you doing?”
“I am going to sleep on the grass tonight”, said Zoe.
A grasshopper came singing and asked, “Zoe, what are you doing?”
“I am going to sleep on the grass tonight”, said Zoe.
A toad came croaking and asked, “Zoe, what are you doing?”
“I am going to sleep on the grass tonight”, said Zoe.
The sun came up.
Zoe didn’t sleep all night. He is still sleepy because he could not sleep on the grass.
He should go to sleep like always – standing.
Images taken from the internet
Also read Y and Z
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