Do you want to be a “YES PARENT” or “NO PARENT”?
Don’t fall into the trap of nos and yeses. You are a parent now and learn to trust your instincts. You know what’s best for your child. While I agree that saying no all the time might lead to tantrums, but by also saying yes all the time will make your child learn not to take “no” for an answer.
I am fluid when it comes to my approach to being a parent. My parenting ideologies and philosophies are based on my instincts and learnings while on the job. They are also a derivative of my childhood and how my parents handled me and my sibling.
Some days are yeses all the way and some days only no. It all depends on how easy or difficult my child behaves on a particular day. It also depends on my energy levels and my mood. And why not? Happy mother means happy children.
Some days I am just happy and take it easy. Those are the days when I also say more “nos” because I am 100% mentally present to take on the tantrums and anger with all my patience and will power. I am fully present to handle the meltdowns. I am more balanced on those days and handle such peculiar situations like an adult.
Then there are days when I am just too uptight and grumpy (PMS hits me like a rock!…ugh!!). On those days, I just let my kids whatever they want, with some supervision and vigilance, ofcourse. Out of sight doesn’t mean out of mind – not especially after you have become a parent. Am I right?

It is important for you to not confuse family characteristics or potential personality traits with the challenging behaviour of your children. Be patient. Every answer doesn’t have to be a definitive yes or no. There are so many other ways you can handle the requests of your children.
Also read Understanding Your Toddler
I am not just talking about toddlers but also at every stage of your children’s childhood, there are so many other ways to answer to a demand or a request that straightforwardly doesn’t sound like a no. Remember the time when you were so politely turned down that you weren’t disappointed? That’s what I am talking about.
My sole advice to every parent out there is to use their judgement and discretion when it comes to handling your children. Only you know what’s right or wrong for them. Just like every family is different, every child is different too. What works for me, may not work for you. What works with my children, may not work with yours’.
Practice what you preach. Have more faith in your instincts and trust yourself.
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