A jungle safari for 2-year-olds and above. Show them the pictures and teach them animal sounds.
Lina, Bobby, Anna and Toby go for a jungle safari. They started walking in the jungle.
“Shh!!! Quiet! Listen!”
Hoot! Hoot!
“It’s a MONKEY”, said Lina.
They started walking again.
“Shh!!! Quiet! Listen!”
“It’s an ELEPHANT”, said Anna.
They started walking again.
“Shh!!! Quiet! Listen!”
Hum! Hum!
“It’s a GIRAFFE”, said Bobby.
“Shh!!! Quiet! Listen”
“It’s a LION”, said Toby.
They ran away!
Pic Credits: www.youtube.com, www.pinterest.co.uk, www.pinterest.com, www.dreamstime.com
Also read Pia’s Pop-up Adventure