I love my & my kid’s bags, and I have them in all sizes. These days I prefer to carry a tote or a hobo bag since I take kids’ goodies in my bag along with my essentials. When the weather is sunny and windy, I always prefer a fabric tote bag. In case of spillage, bag and the things inside the bag dry quickly. The real problem are the rains when I have to be extra cautious about what kind of bag to carry so that the bag and the things inside, both stay safe.
Maintaining a fabric bag is always easier than leather, suede and nubuck. If they are not stored properly, they can develop fungus, mold and mildew in the rainy season. Mold thrives if you store leather bags in a dark and humid place with less or no ventilation. Leather bags also need to be aired time to time.
Here’s how you can remove mold from your leather bags:
- Scrape as much as you can off the surface with a dry nylon brush or a soft bristled toothbrush
- Mix one part vinegar with one part water
- Moisten a soft cloth with the mixture and use it to wipe the surface of the bag
- Once the mold is removed, wipe it clean with a dry soft cloth
- Sunshine is a natural mold killer. If nothing else works then put your bags in the sun for a day
For bags made from ‘suede leather’ or ‘nubuck leather’, there are several shampoos available in the market that will take care of your cleaning woes. Follow these simple steps to clean your suede and nubuck bags:
- Use suede brush to remove surface dirt and dust
- Shake the shampoo can well and spray on, best to do small areas at a time
- Use a clean cloth or a hard brush
- Allow the surface to dry thoroughly
- Then use the brush to clean and freshen
With time, your precious leather bags also appear to age and wrinkle. They need care like your own skin. Leather should be cleaned and conditioned from time to time to retain its softness and shine. Leather conditioning will protect your bags from any stains and losing its shape. Ideally, the leather should be conditioned twice a year. There is a variety of leather conditioners available in the market. Following are some tips to apply conditioner on your bag:
- Put some conditioner on a soft, lint free cloth like cotton or linen
- Use circular motion to rub the conditioner evenly over the affected area
- Follow the conditioning with a brisk buffing of the leather surface with a soft, dry cloth (cotton or linen)
- Allow the leather to air dry for a few hours before using the bag
Your bags can have a long life if they are stored rightly. Here’s how you can store your bags safely:
- Use old cotton pillow covers to store your bags. Cotton is a great fabric and causes no damage to leather or suede
- Use old cotton or linen scarves for wrapping your bag before keeping it inside
- Put silicon beads inside the bags to avoid any moisture inside
- If your bag has a detachable belt, then before storing it, detach the belt and keep it inside. In case of an undetachable belt/handle, fold it in a way that there won’t be any fold marks or cracks on it later.

- Don’t squeeze your bag hard and close all the zips and buttons so that the shape of your bag remains intact.
Your bags are not only your investment but companions too. They go wherever you go. If they look good, you look good too. If properly cared and handled, your precious and expensive leather bags can last for decades.
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-Pretty Mumma
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