Learning moral values for kids is extremely important. Festivals are perfect learning experiences to teach moral values to kids. Festivals are full of excitement, celebration and happiness. They not only bring joy to our homes but also brings families together.
Every year we wait for festivals to celebrate them with togetherness, laughter, good food, dressing up and making memories that last for our lifetime. Festivals are a perfect occasion to teach moral values to kids.
Festivals are great occasions for ‘good parenting’ too.
It gives lots of opportunities to parents to demonstrate
the values that they like to teach their children.
Everyday situations in the home or outside make for great learning experiences that can shape their character and teach them moral values that they can carry with them into their adulthood too.

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Seven Moral Values That Your Kids Can Learn During Festivals
1. Sharing

During festivals when we clear the clutter and get rid of unwanted things in our homes, kids can be taught “Sharing” by asking them to give away their unused toys and books to children who are needy.
Not only festivals but every time you want to discard your kid’s unwanted things like toys, books, shoes, stationery, etc., ask your kid to give it to those kids who are needy or can’t afford to buy them.
2. Respect

Most of us get our homes renovated, painted, cleaned, decluttered and replace old things with new on festivals. Teach your kid to be respectful to all the community helpers working in the house by offering them water or food. These people truly demonstrate actual hardwork.
This is the right opportunity for you to teach them about the value of hardwork and money. You must also teach your child to greet the guests at home. That will not only make him feel a part of the group but when others will respond, it will give him the feeling of the grown-up. All kids want to be like grown-ups!
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3. Teamwork

With all that festive frenzy around, all of us pick up our home tasks and aim to finish them before festivals. For e.g., if mom is responsible for cleaning the bedroom, daddy can be responsible for cleaning the study room. This way you can teach your kid how fun it is to work as a team.
4. Responsibility

While you pick up your tasks, give your kid the responsibility of arranging his room or atleast keep things back to where they belong. Your kids will feel involved and enjoy the task given to him. Appreciate your child’s effort, however small it is. It’s a step towards taking up bigger responsibilities.
5. Benevolence

Diwali is the best time to teach your kid benevolence and kindness. This can only be taught by demonstrating and not by teaching or explaining. All you have to do is to just set a good example in front of them so that they realize the importance of being kind to people.
6. Ethics

You can teach your child to recognise the difference between right and wrong on festivals. The stories of Ramayana, Panchatantra and Aesop Fables are a great learning source for building ethics. When your kids acts in ways that reflect those ethics or values, their self-respect is enhanced. Praise them when they do this.
7. Affection

Love and affection are beautiful feelings. If someone reciprocates with the same emotions, we feel incredibly happy. And that’s what you have to teach your child.
Let your children see you demonstrate your love and affection for the people in your life. Talk to your children about how much you love and appreciate their grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins. Don’t let a day pass without expressing your affection for your child himself.

Don’t think that it’s too early to teach these values to your children. Apart from teaching and explaining these values to your child, the best way is to practice what you preach!
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