Less painful vaccines for babies or, popularly known as, painless vaccines are becoming a prevalent choice amongst new age parents. Vaccination is undoubtedly extremely important for infants. However, we have to make a choice between the painless vaccine and the conventional vaccine especially for DTP that is given at two, four, six and eighteen months of age.
If there was one thing I was afraid of and couldn’t bear the sight of after becoming a mother was the pricking of needles in those cute chubby thighs of my babies. I would just walk out of the doctor’s room every time and my husband stayed back to soothe them. It was too painful for me to watch them cry. Motherhood definitely makes you stronger but trust me, not for this!
Focus on Positives
Although, less painful vaccines are not “painless”. In all honesty, there’s no way to reduce the pain from pricking. That’s unavoidable. However, vaccines that are less painful are slightly different from the usual vaccines.
What is a less painful vaccine?
Painless or acellular vaccines contain fewer antigens or only some of the cellular material rather than complete cells which are found in the painful variants. Painless versions are more commonly used in the immunisation of young children and in India are still usually administered via syringe.
The most common less painful vaccine is given for Pertussis (whooping cough) as a combination of, DaPT (Diphtheria, acellular-Pertussis, Tetanus, Haemophilus influenza type B and injectable polio). “Acellular” means that the whooping cough component contains only parts of the bacteria instead of the whole bacteria.
The conventional or painful vaccination is given in a combination of DwPT (Diphtheria, whole-cell Pertussis, Tetanus, Haemophilus Influenza type B, Hepatitis B).
As per the vaccination chart of Indian babies, DTP vaccine is given to children at 6 weeks, 10 weeks, 14 weeks, 16 – 24 weeks and 5 -6 years.
Are the less painful vaccines really painless?
Painless vaccines don’t mean that there will be no-pain or no-tears. These vaccines are administered through a syringe; therefore, the babies have to bear the pain from pricking. In the painless variety, the component of Pertussis is diluted which results in less pain and fewer side effects.
Read more
Preservative-Free Vaccines – Things that You Should Know
Vaccination of Babies – How It Can Save Their Lives
However, the only and the biggest advantage of painless vaccination is that it has fewer side-effects over the conventional vaccine – extreme discomfort, high-grade fever, vomiting or convulsions in extreme cases. Post-vaccination occurrence of pain, redness, fever or inflammation could be extremely less after giving a shot of less painful vaccine.
Then Why Are They Called as Less Painful Vaccines?
Fewer antigens in the Painless Vaccines means that they will have fewer painful after-effects than older whole-cell vaccines. As a result, babies and young children suffer far less pain and discomfort as compared to the conventional vaccine.
I can’t emphasise enough how important vaccination and immunization is for infants and children. Paediatric organizations such as the Indian Academy of Pediatrics and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention strongly support protecting children with recommended vaccinations.
Less painful vaccines or painful, whichever one you choose, they are equally effective for your baby. However, do keep in mind that the painless vaccines are expensive than the painful vaccines.
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