Well, motherhood was a welcome change for me. An expected change which altered my life forever and for better. My sleep cycles are permanently damaged. The stretch marks are irreversible. Even the way I think has changed and thinking about others before myself biggest change that I can think of.
Here’s what becoming a mother did to me:

A girl who didn’t worry about food now only has food on her mind 24X7.

My underwear are older than my kids, but my kids have the most update wardrobe.

Green chilly? Are they still growing those?

Colour of poop is the most important detail of the day.

To pee or not to pee

I wish I could sleep. At a stretch. For a couple of hours. Not minutes.

I am closer to my mom than I ever was.

Privacy? You asked a wrong question!

Peppa Pig and kids’ songs are my daily dose of entertainment.

Dining out with kids? Who does that?

Do people still wear whites?

Shopping for diapers is so excitinggg!!!

Shh!!! No…You can’t say that!

Ever drank Pepsi or Coca-Cola hiding from your kids? No? Try it in a steel glass. Hah!

I still have issues with sharing chocolates but such is life.

Nostril selfies are the in-thing!!

But most of all, the love in the heart and eyes of my kids has mellowed me down to an extent that I and the people closest to me could only imagine. I am smiling more than ever. I am accepting changes without frowning. I have become more accepting towards flaws and differences in people. I never knew before how much love and kindness I have within. I owe my children a lot for they bring out the best out of me and make me a better person every day.